120 Bible Riddles to Test Your Knowledge with Holy Challenges

Bible riddles are a fun way to test your knowledge of scripture, faith, and biblical stories. These 120 riddles challenge your understanding of key characters, events, and teachings from both the Old and New Testaments. …

120 Bible Riddles to Test Your Knowledge with Holy Challenges

Bible riddles are a fun way to test your knowledge of scripture, faith, and biblical stories. These 120 riddles challenge your understanding of key characters, events, and teachings from both the Old and New Testaments.

Some riddles focus on famous figures like Moses and Jesus, while others explore lesser-known stories. Solving them can deepen your connection to the Bible and enhance your spiritual growth. Are you ready to take on this holy challenge?

120 Bible Riddles to Test Your Knowledge with Holy Challenges

Old Testament Mysteries

The Old Testament is filled with stories of faith, miracles, and wisdom. These riddles will challenge your knowledge of the people, events, and places from the Hebrew Scriptures.

  1. I was swallowed by a great fish but lived to tell the tale. Who am I?
  2. I built an ark to save my family and animals from a great flood. Who am I?
  3. I led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments. Who am I?
  4. My wife turned into a pillar of salt. Who am I?
  5. I was the first murderer in the Bible. Who am I?
  6. I was the father of many nations and had a son in my old age. Who am I?
  7. My brothers sold me into slavery, but I became a ruler in Egypt. Who am I?
  8. I wrestled with an angel and got a new name. Who am I?
  9. I was created from Adam’s rib. Who am I?
  10. I was the strongest man in the Bible, but my hair was my weakness. Who am I?
  11. I built the first temple in Jerusalem and was known for my wisdom. Who am I?
  12. I defeated a giant with a sling and a stone. Who am I?
  13. My mother placed me in a basket in the Nile River. Who am I?
  14. I was a prophet who survived a night in a den of lions. Who am I?
  15. I was swallowed by the earth along with my followers for rebelling against Moses. Who am I?
  16. I lived for 969 years, making me the oldest person in the Bible. Who am I?
  17. I tricked my father into giving me my brother’s blessing. Who am I?
  18. I led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses died. Who am I?
  19. I was a judge who made a vow that cost me my daughter. Who am I?
  20. I killed my brother out of jealousy. Who am I?
  21. I was a queen who saved my people from destruction. Who am I?
  22. I was a prophet who called down fire from heaven. Who am I?
  23. I was a shepherd boy who became the second king of Israel. Who am I?
  24. I was a woman who became the great-grandmother of King David. Who am I?
  25. My name means “laughter,” and I was the son of Abraham and Sarah. Who am I?
  26. I was thrown into a fiery furnace but was not burned. Who am I?
  27. I interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and saved Egypt from famine. Who am I?
  28. I had 12 sons, who became the 12 tribes of Israel. Who am I?
  29. I anointed the first two kings of Israel. Who am I?
  30. I was a prophet swallowed by a great fish and later preached in Nineveh. Who am I?

New Testament Puzzles

The New Testament tells the story of Jesus, His disciples, and the early church. These riddles will test your knowledge of the life and teachings of Christ.

  1. I was born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger. Who am I?
  2. I baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. Who am I?
  3. I denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. Who am I?
  4. I was the tax collector who climbed a tree to see Jesus. Who am I?
  5. Jesus turned water into wine at my wedding. Where was it?
  6. I was the disciple who walked on water with Jesus. Who am I?
  7. Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. What did He do first?
  8. I was raised from the dead by Jesus after four days in a tomb. Who am I?
  9. Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer in this sermon. What is it called?
  10. I carried Jesus’ cross to Golgotha. Who am I?
  11. I was the first person to see Jesus after His resurrection. Who am I?
  12. Jesus was betrayed with a kiss by one of His disciples. Who was he?
  13. I doubted Jesus’ resurrection until I saw His wounds. Who am I?
  14. I was the disciple known as “the beloved.” Who am I?
  15. I was a persecutor of Christians but became a great apostle. Who am I?
  16. I wrote most of the New Testament letters. Who am I?
  17. I was the first Christian martyr. Who am I?
  18. I received a vision of heaven while exiled on Patmos. Who am I?
  19. Jesus healed me from blindness by putting mud on my eyes. Who am I?
  20. Jesus turned over tables in this place. Where was it?
  21. Jesus calmed the storm while His disciples were afraid. Where was He?
  22. I was healed by touching the hem of Jesus’ robe. Who am I?
  23. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” What was He teaching about?
  24. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Who was He speaking to?
  25. Jesus changed my name from Simon to Peter. Who am I?
  26. Jesus called me out of my tomb after being dead four days. Who am I?
  27. I was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death. Who am I?
  28. Jesus told the parable of the prodigal son. What was its lesson?
  29. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” What is this command called?
  30. I wrote the final book of the Bible. Who am I?

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Wisdom and Teachings

The Bible is full of wisdom, proverbs, and teachings that guide people in faith and righteousness. These riddles will test your understanding of biblical lessons and moral truths.

  1. I asked God for wisdom instead of riches. Who am I?
  2. I wrote many Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Who am I?
  3. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of this. What is it?
  4. I am the book that contains 150 songs and prayers. What am I?
  5. Jesus spoke to crowds using these short stories with moral lessons. What are they called?
  6. I said, “Faith without works is dead.” Who am I?
  7. Jesus taught, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” What is this teaching called?
  8. Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Where is this found?
  9. I am the fruit of the Spirit that means love in action. What am I?
  10. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” In which sermon is this found?
  11. I am the greatest commandment according to Jesus. What am I?
  12. I was a rich young ruler who walked away sad after speaking with Jesus. Why?
  13. Jesus told the parable of a man who built his house on this. What is it?
  14. Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd.” Who are His sheep?
  15. I was given by God on Mount Sinai to Moses. What am I?
  16. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” What does this mean?
  17. I was healed by Jesus, and He told me, “Your faith has made you well.” Who am I?
  18. I am one of the three theological virtues, along with faith and love. What am I?
  19. Jesus taught that a mustard seed is like this. What is it?
  20. The book of Proverbs often contrasts wisdom with this. What is it?
  21. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” What does this mean?
  22. Paul described love as patient and kind in this famous chapter. What is it?
  23. The Bible says, “A soft answer turns away this.” What is it?
  24. Jesus told a parable about a lost sheep, a lost coin, and this lost person. Who?
  25. I am the greatest of faith, hope, and love. What am I?
  26. The book of Job teaches about this great human struggle. What is it?
  27. Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters.” What did He mean?
  28. The Bible says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Where is this found?
  29. Jesus washed His disciples’ feet as an example of this. What is it?
  30. I was the Pharisee who came to Jesus at night to ask about being born again. Who am I?

Prophecy and End Times

Biblical prophecy reveals God’s plans for the future, from Old Testament predictions about the Messiah to the final days described in Revelation. These Bible riddles will challenge your knowledge of biblical prophecy and the end times.

  1. I am the prophet who foretold that a virgin would give birth to a son. Who am I?
  2. I was the Old Testament prophet who saw dry bones come to life. Who am I?
  3. I prophesied about the suffering servant who would bear the sins of many. Who am I?
  4. I had a vision of four beasts and a great statue representing kingdoms. Who am I?
  5. I was the Old Testament prophet who predicted Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. Who am I?
  6. I saw a vision of a great wheel in the sky. Who am I?
  7. I am the number of the beast in Revelation. What am I?
  8. The final battle between good and evil is called this. What is it?
  9. The Bible says Jesus will return on these. What are they?
  10. Jesus warned of false prophets who would come in these last days. What did He call them?
  11. Revelation speaks of four riders on horses. What are they called?
  12. I am the book of the Bible that speaks of the new heaven and new earth. What am I?
  13. Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour of this event. What is it?
  14. Revelation describes a city with streets of gold. What is it called?
  15. Jesus said He will return like this unexpected event. What is it?
  16. The Bible says believers will be caught up in the air with Jesus. What is this called?
  17. I prophesied about a new covenant between God and His people. Who am I?
  18. Revelation speaks of a great white throne. What event does this represent?
  19. The Bible warns that in the last days, people will be lovers of this rather than lovers of God. What is it?
  20. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” What does this mean?
  21. The Bible speaks of a “mark” that people will receive in the last days. What is it?
  22. Revelation describes a dragon who symbolizes this enemy of God. Who is it?
  23. The book of Daniel prophesied about a king who would stop temple sacrifices. Who is he?
  24. The Bible speaks of a time of great distress before Jesus’ return. What is it called?
  25. Revelation speaks of 144,000 people who are sealed by God. Who are they?
  26. The Bible describes a river of life flowing from God’s throne. Where is this found?
  27. Jesus said the gospel would be preached to all nations before this event. What is it?
  28. The Bible speaks of two witnesses who will prophesy before the end. Where is this found?
  29. The book of Revelation ends with this promise from Jesus. What is it?
  30. Jesus said, “Surely I am coming soon.” Where is this found?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Bible riddles?

Bible riddles are thought-provoking questions based on biblical characters, events, and teachings that challenge your knowledge of Scripture.

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How can Bible riddles help in learning the Bible?

They make learning fun by encouraging deeper thinking and recall of biblical stories and principles.

Are Bible riddles suitable for all ages?

Yes, Bible riddles can be enjoyed by kids, teens, and adults, with different levels of difficulty.

Where can I use Bible riddles?

You can use them in Sunday school, Bible study groups, family gatherings, or personal study.

Can Bible riddles be used for quizzes and competitions?

Absolutely, They are great for Bible quizzes, youth group games, and friendly church competitions.


Bible riddles are a fun and engaging way to test and grow your knowledge of Scripture. They challenge our understanding while making learning more enjoyable. Whether used for study, teaching, or entertainment, they help deepen our connection with God’s Word. Keep exploring, keep learning, and let the Bible inspire you every day.

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